DTMD 13 Call for Art
[NB. This Call for Art has long expired but is retained here as it was a distinctive part of the workshop and the page may still be of interest.]
The 2013 Difference That Makes A Difference Conference is now accepting entries for an art project that will accompany the conference. All accepted work will be displayed on the Open University Campus in Milton Keynes England during the conference, running from 8-10 April 2013.
The Project:
Curator, Carson Grubaugh, is interested in the ethics of information entropy and the human urge to organize/semanticize information. To explore this concept we are asking all interested parties to take the work of art that can be downloaded here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/7izlz08rlupc57q/hermetics.jpg) and transmute it in to something new using rule-based processes, algorithms, physical processes, or any other transformational process the artist can conceive of.
All works submitted will become the seeds of an ongoing online version of the project that will continue to grow indefinitely. The site will allow anyone to view all of the pieces that have been created, create and upload their own transformation of a previous piece, and link it to its ancestor work. Over time this will evolve a complex and interactive network of artistic transformations.
Artists are encouraged to use any medium. However, for the purpose of the on-site display at the Open University Campus during the conference we will only be able to show prints of A1 sized images (33” x 23”) or less. Documentary representations of sculptural, performance, web-works, etc. are absolutely encouraged for this portion of the project. The Open University will handle the printing.
How To Submit Work:
The first submission will be a draft of your proposal, submitted to abstracts@dtmd.org.uk in jpg format (maximum size 1024 x 768 pixels). All authors will be fully acknowledged and you should supply your name (or alias) and some brief text explaining your interests as a presenting artist (maximum 200 words) in the submission email.
If your work is accepted, you will be asked to provide a high-resolution reproducible version. Further details of this will be provided if your work is accepted.
As a submitting artist, you will retain intellectual rights to the work but by entering a submission you grant license to the conference organisers for reproduction and display of your work for the purposes of the conference. This may include the conference website as well as physical reproduction. If you have any concerns about this, it may still be possible to submit, but you should contact the organisers using the above email address.
All work must be submitted by 22 March 2013 to abstracts@dtmd.org.uk to be considered.